Aseptic Packaging

Aseptic Packaging

US Elite Juice Concentrates and Fruit Ingredient Products are aseptically packaged after concentration to further preserve shelf life for up to 1 year. Product may be transported or stored unrefrigerated at ambient temperatures until ready for use. While all of our products are produced and packaged upon order, ensuring you receive the freshest product available, the ability to ship and store aseptic products allows for cost savings when compared to refrigerated storage and transportation.This added shelf stability allows the customer to utilize the product at their own pace and protects the product from expensive spoilage mishaps.

Co-Packing/Contract Packaging

US Elite offers competitive co-packing services for many types of liquid food products. Having over 15 years experience in contract packaging, US Elite provides professional and timely Co-Pack services to food manufacturers and restaurant groups worldwide. Please contact us further regarding your packaging needs whether big or small.

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